Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Together in Košice

On Thursday, 11th of April, 2013, we - seven students of the school company Together - attended (as an audience) the educating program Education in tourismwhich was held in the business center Atrium Optima in Košice (a center of eastern Slovakia).
We had a chance to see many companies, which are making business in tourism. We had made the new contacts and friendships, which we will use in our own projects.
The stands were interesting and we got a lot of inspiration for the future of our company.
In stands we learnt much important information, which might help you in our own product (slovakiatip.eu). Each stand had its own mascot which was representing its company. Mascots were really creatively and interestingly dressed and were highlighting their companies.

text and photo: together

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Together v Košiciach

Vo štvrtok 11. apríla 2013 sme sa - siedmi študenti školskej spoločnosti Together - zúčastnili ako diváci vzdelávacieho programu Vzdelávanie v cestovnom ruchu v obchodnom centre Atrium Optima, Košice. Mali sme možnosť vidieť rôzne spoločnosti, ktoré podnikajú v cestovnom ruchu.
Nadviazali sme nové známosti a priateľstvá, ktoré využijeme vo vlastných projektoch. Stánky boli zaujímavé a získali sme inšpiráciu pre budúce pôsobenie našej firmy.
V stánkoch sme sa dozvedeli užitočné informácie, ktoré nám mozu pomôcť pri našom vlastnom produkte (slovakiatip.eu). Mali sme možnosť vidieť rôzne spoločnosti z celého Slovenska, ktoré podnikajú v cestovnom ruchu a ponúkajú rôzne služby. Maskoti boli veľmi kreatívne a zaujímavo oblečení a výstižne prezentovali svoje firmy.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk